Be aware that two others will come fight as soon as there is any combat. If you don't have one, find an SS by going left immediately from the start and taking any of the three doors. To have at least a Machine Gun is a lifesaver. An Officer's gun is deadly enough without a sneak attack, so keep moving constantly and run through any doors you see. As a result, it is very easy for unseen enemies to become alarmed then find a way to sneak up on you. A single shot fired anywhere in any of the twisting hallways will alarm all enemies within that hallway. The level is convoluted and confusing, there are multiple routes to get around.
The exit room itself holds treasure, Medkits, Ammo and a Chain Gun. Each of the four rooms of this hub opens to two of four hallways: The player spawns in a bright red brick central hub guarded by SS.
The level is comprised of confusing, twisting hallways filled with Crosses at every turn and beginning at level 3 difficulty, guarded by Officers and SS.